Monday, March 21, 2011

What is the meaning of Dapper?

The definition found in the dictionary is A.) neat and trim in appearance b.)very spruce and stylish.

Sadly I've noticed this it lacking in our day and age. I wish men would take pride in the way they present themselves in society. Back in the day it was disrespectful to even leave the house without looking like you just walked out of a magazine ad.

I'm appalled at what I see today. I was at dinner with some friends and I actually saw a man come in for an interview in SHORTS AND FLIP FLOPS!!!! He looked to be in his late 20's early 30's and came in on a skateboard! I mean really whatever happened to dressing for the job you want and not the one you have (Who knows maybe this man was actually following this motto)

While we are speaking of appearances, fellas please don't come up to any women looking like this!!!!

In your head you may think you look fly but all this outfit says is "I'm in the need for someone to baker act me because I have lost my ever lovin mind!" It kills me that men actually get offended when a women doesn't drool over his Nike airs and his pants hanging below his feet. Then they have the nerve to disrespect you and insult you. I've actually had someone do this to me (Sadly this has happened to man women and we are TIRED of it). He was yelling out to get my attention the only way he knew how " HEY GIRL, HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU! How ya doing ma?" and I politely said "I'm sorry I'm happily married and not interested but thank you." Now a good man would understand he has lost the battle and not carry on. But nooooo not flavor flav to the 10th power he tried to "Mack" finally I had to be rude " Hey I said I wasn't interested please so go on about your day and go bother someone else" and he had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't all that cute anyway...REALLY??? well the way you ran across the street makes me beg to differ. I defiantly was NOT the one chasing you down the street.

Now maybe if you would have looked like this

or this

I would have out ran anyone of the qualifying Olympic runners to get to you.

The point is that when you take care of yourself it shows and people notice. You don't have to wear a suit everywhere you go (even though it wouldn't be hard on the eyes) but you should look like you cared about how you looked. Please wear clothes that FIT!!! I don't want to to see pants so tight that I can read your DNA or a shirt so wrinkled it looks like a small intestine. make it your aim to look Dapper!!!

but fellas be careful though when you walk outside, ladies can't resist a man in a suit it's just not in our nature

and that's just my thought on the matter.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

LOVE this post... so true.