Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

So behold this beauty!!!!

This is from the Christian Louboutin 2011 spring collection. Now I am sure there are many people that look at this and say there is no way this is beautiful. But I answer you with an astounding YES IT IS!!! this is art at it's finest and you can't place a price on art. I look at this shoe just like I look at the painting From the lake by Gerogia O'Keefe....PRICELESS and BEAUTIFUL

Look at the color resemblance..obviously the artist known as Christian had to draw inspiration from some where.

Living in Florida we have the opprotunity to look at beautiful sunsets every night

just look at the purples and pinks and how the complement each other it just takes your breath away..that is the same way i feel when I look at these shoes by Yves Saint Laurent

This BOLD purple is sure to compliment your outfit in a breathtaking way.

My favorite flower also happens to be all over the fine state of Florida and many other tropical enviornments. When I see one I get lost in it's beauty, it comes in so many colors blue, white, pink, red but my favoroit is Orange

Just looking at this brings a smile to my face! and you know what else has the same effect???...YOU GUESSED IT!!!!

To you it may look like an ordinary shoe but to me it represents spring, sun and beauty.

Men don't feel left out there is wearable art out there for you as well. I love when I can see imitating life. One of my favorite animals is the puffer fish they are pretty slow swimmers but instead of trying to escape, pufferfish have the ability to quickly ingest huge amounts of water to turn themselves into a virtually inedible ball several times their normal size.

Just a humble little fish that is not all powerful but uses what it has to protect itself...well fellas I can guarantee that if you are sporting these shoes NO ONE will mess with you..they will pay for themselves who needs to use their fist when you can defend yourself with amazing shoes!!!

Art imitating's a wonderful thing.

Now sure by the end of the day you feel like a thousands pins are all over your feet and you loose feeling but beauty is in the eye of the beholder an believe me It's SO WORTH IT!!! nothing compares to seeing your outfit all put together perfectly and to receive that universal head nod that says..."Girl, you done right!" and that is my thought on the matter.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What is the meaning of Dapper?

The definition found in the dictionary is A.) neat and trim in appearance b.)very spruce and stylish.

Sadly I've noticed this it lacking in our day and age. I wish men would take pride in the way they present themselves in society. Back in the day it was disrespectful to even leave the house without looking like you just walked out of a magazine ad.

I'm appalled at what I see today. I was at dinner with some friends and I actually saw a man come in for an interview in SHORTS AND FLIP FLOPS!!!! He looked to be in his late 20's early 30's and came in on a skateboard! I mean really whatever happened to dressing for the job you want and not the one you have (Who knows maybe this man was actually following this motto)

While we are speaking of appearances, fellas please don't come up to any women looking like this!!!!

In your head you may think you look fly but all this outfit says is "I'm in the need for someone to baker act me because I have lost my ever lovin mind!" It kills me that men actually get offended when a women doesn't drool over his Nike airs and his pants hanging below his feet. Then they have the nerve to disrespect you and insult you. I've actually had someone do this to me (Sadly this has happened to man women and we are TIRED of it). He was yelling out to get my attention the only way he knew how " HEY GIRL, HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU! How ya doing ma?" and I politely said "I'm sorry I'm happily married and not interested but thank you." Now a good man would understand he has lost the battle and not carry on. But nooooo not flavor flav to the 10th power he tried to "Mack" finally I had to be rude " Hey I said I wasn't interested please so go on about your day and go bother someone else" and he had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't all that cute anyway...REALLY??? well the way you ran across the street makes me beg to differ. I defiantly was NOT the one chasing you down the street.

Now maybe if you would have looked like this

or this

I would have out ran anyone of the qualifying Olympic runners to get to you.

The point is that when you take care of yourself it shows and people notice. You don't have to wear a suit everywhere you go (even though it wouldn't be hard on the eyes) but you should look like you cared about how you looked. Please wear clothes that FIT!!! I don't want to to see pants so tight that I can read your DNA or a shirt so wrinkled it looks like a small intestine. make it your aim to look Dapper!!!

but fellas be careful though when you walk outside, ladies can't resist a man in a suit it's just not in our nature

and that's just my thought on the matter.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring, Spring. Spring

Even a city girl has to get away from the bright lights and noise to take in a peaceful serene place once and a while. What better way to welcome spring then a wonderful day at the beach. Its always fun to head to the beach the first time in the season. everyone looks like you.. in the process of working off their winter weight and looking like they are seeing sun for the first time in their lives.

You can definitely tell the tourist from Floridians. We will will get in the water but only up to our ankles..water that is 50 degrees is NOT for us however you see the tourist running in and diving right in and yelling for others to guys are CRAZY!!!!!

Its weekends like this that truly make me happy, wonderful friends wonderful weather and knowing that summer is just around the corner. So enjoy your pasty body and head to a beach or park if your not in Florida and people watch ( and make fun of of know you do!) and thats my thought on the matter.

I will leave you with a song from one of my favorite musicals it's fitting for the season

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is it worth the wait?

Patience: quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence.

Its amazing how this small word can carry such weight. It can make you crazy while you wait for a job, make you sweat when waiting to purpose to the love of your life, makes you have butterflies when waiting for the arrival of your first born yet this small word is something that many have a problem with understanding. Many believe that a weak person is the one who shows restraint but its the complete opposite it takes a STRONG person to show patience. you are putting faith in the idea that something great is just around the corner.

Even I have a hard time with patience but I know that if I hold out it always works out in the end. The older you get the wiser you become and you know the difference between being lazy and being patient. You also learn that you should never be presumptuous because that only leads to you looking like a fool and no one wants to look like that.

It kills me when I see people acting presumptuously and they seem to really believe in the infomercial slogan...If the don't ACT NOW the moment will pass. believe me if you are patient good things always come to those who wait. "But my situation is different" you say..NEWSFLASH: IT'S NOT!!!! you are human just like I am human and you make mistakes just like I make mistakes and sometimes acting on impulse is not the right solution.

Life is a beautiful thing its full of ups and downs and its those downs that really make us enjoy the ups :) There is no need to rush through life take it one day at a time and if you are blessed to have another day tomorrow work on patience because in the end.......

....and that is NOT just my thought on the matter.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Complicated

Why is it that some people create drama and complication when it comes to love. It's not a maze that has no way out. i have been happily married for the past 5 1/2 years and believe me there are always twist and turns but its a wonderful thing and I wouldn't trade my husband for anything in the world. I've noticed that many people believe that relationships are just to "complicated" Men are not complicated and neither are women you just have to know the person you are dealing with.

There have been many books written on this subject some humorous some serious but the two best pieces of advice I've ever received is: "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." And "Do not become unevenly yoked"

People have a tendency to ignore the red flags in relationships. believe me they are never going to change. Once people realize these simple truths mentioned above I truly believe that failed relationships will be an all time low. This city girl has also noticed a lot of games that people play with each other. What is the purpose of this games? There are never any winners just hurt feelings and hurtful words. And the sad thing is that these games are not reserved for the young, "older" ones partake in these as well. please I ask that all of you take a good hard look at yourself and quit all the games!

Maybe just maybe when we stop with all the nonsense and take care of ourselves first and stop trying to hide our true selves all the relationships in our lives will flourish that included friendships, family and significant others And that's just my thought on the matter.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I enjoy being a girl!

I have to say that even with all the stress that comes with being a women. I really enjoy being a girl. I had a wonderful evening with two of my fave girlfriends and my husband and as I was getting ready to leave to meet them at the restaurant I realized I enjoy the process of getting all dressed up and looking pretty.

I was then saddened because as we sat down to dinner I realized there were plenty of other women who also "dressed" up but it was not classy at all! Just because you are a size two it doesn't mean that you need to use less fabric to cover your body. I miss that old days when women were curvy and voluptuous and just as beautiful as ever. I don't understand....ladies we really don't want out men to be scrawny we love something to hold on to. to feel like he can protect us. well if you are a 155 pounds that is just not cutting it! So why is it that men seem to want there women to be dainty and small and have nothing to look at..when I look at this skinny women I feel like force feeding them some carbs and getting them a push up bra( Maybe they never smile because they look like 9 year old boys who starve themselves)

Now I am not advocating obesity that is something that is plaguing this nation and I believe in being healthy. I just wish that women would embrace their curves and relish in the time it takes to make yourself beautiful and enjoy picking out clothes and doing your makeup and hair and just tell yourself that no matter what you've been through you are strong and no matter what YOU ENJOY BEING A GIRL!!! and that is my thought on the matter.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What does home mean?

After a much long hiatus city girl is back! I apologize for my absence but I've always felt that unless I had something productive to say there is no need to waste my words.

I've been thinking lately about the word home and what it means. Personally I've been looking for a place to belong my entire life. Born in California, raised in MI and currently a resident in Florida. I can honestly say that all three of these places were my home. Living in these places and being surrounded by my family and friends in these states have made me the person I am today and I'm very grateful. Now obviously there has come a time when this city girl had to leave because she had outgrown her surroundings, at first I was afraid I was petrified :) but not knowing what was in store for me was a great adventure.

Fear is what keeps us from reaching our full potential in life. Don't be afraid to turn the page in your life and take a that doesn't meant be stupid. If you have to move and you have no job prospects lined up or no where to live thats foolish. Faith without works is dead so you must have a plan. But don't be afraid to take a job that will get you foot in the door of the next city to be you home. I've realized that home truly is where the heart is and no matter where you move the places and people that you meet will always be apart of you. And that's just my though on the matter.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:What is considered home?