Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Complicated

Why is it that some people create drama and complication when it comes to love. It's not a maze that has no way out. i have been happily married for the past 5 1/2 years and believe me there are always twist and turns but its a wonderful thing and I wouldn't trade my husband for anything in the world. I've noticed that many people believe that relationships are just to "complicated" Men are not complicated and neither are women you just have to know the person you are dealing with.

There have been many books written on this subject some humorous some serious but the two best pieces of advice I've ever received is: "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." And "Do not become unevenly yoked"

People have a tendency to ignore the red flags in relationships. believe me they are never going to change. Once people realize these simple truths mentioned above I truly believe that failed relationships will be an all time low. This city girl has also noticed a lot of games that people play with each other. What is the purpose of this games? There are never any winners just hurt feelings and hurtful words. And the sad thing is that these games are not reserved for the young, "older" ones partake in these as well. please I ask that all of you take a good hard look at yourself and quit all the games!

Maybe just maybe when we stop with all the nonsense and take care of ourselves first and stop trying to hide our true selves all the relationships in our lives will flourish that included friendships, family and significant others And that's just my thought on the matter.

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