Friday, March 11, 2011

I enjoy being a girl!

I have to say that even with all the stress that comes with being a women. I really enjoy being a girl. I had a wonderful evening with two of my fave girlfriends and my husband and as I was getting ready to leave to meet them at the restaurant I realized I enjoy the process of getting all dressed up and looking pretty.

I was then saddened because as we sat down to dinner I realized there were plenty of other women who also "dressed" up but it was not classy at all! Just because you are a size two it doesn't mean that you need to use less fabric to cover your body. I miss that old days when women were curvy and voluptuous and just as beautiful as ever. I don't understand....ladies we really don't want out men to be scrawny we love something to hold on to. to feel like he can protect us. well if you are a 155 pounds that is just not cutting it! So why is it that men seem to want there women to be dainty and small and have nothing to look at..when I look at this skinny women I feel like force feeding them some carbs and getting them a push up bra( Maybe they never smile because they look like 9 year old boys who starve themselves)

Now I am not advocating obesity that is something that is plaguing this nation and I believe in being healthy. I just wish that women would embrace their curves and relish in the time it takes to make yourself beautiful and enjoy picking out clothes and doing your makeup and hair and just tell yourself that no matter what you've been through you are strong and no matter what YOU ENJOY BEING A GIRL!!! and that is my thought on the matter.

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