Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring, Spring. Spring

Even a city girl has to get away from the bright lights and noise to take in a peaceful serene place once and a while. What better way to welcome spring then a wonderful day at the beach. Its always fun to head to the beach the first time in the season. everyone looks like you.. in the process of working off their winter weight and looking like they are seeing sun for the first time in their lives.

You can definitely tell the tourist from Floridians. We will will get in the water but only up to our ankles..water that is 50 degrees is NOT for us however you see the tourist running in and diving right in and yelling for others to guys are CRAZY!!!!!

Its weekends like this that truly make me happy, wonderful friends wonderful weather and knowing that summer is just around the corner. So enjoy your pasty body and head to a beach or park if your not in Florida and people watch ( and make fun of of know you do!) and thats my thought on the matter.

I will leave you with a song from one of my favorite musicals it's fitting for the season

1 comment:

St. Pete Girl said...

If anyone was wondering which beach that is it's Pass A Grille in Saint Petersburg,FL