Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Please spend your time learning the days of the week!


Justin Bieber

Britney Spears

Miley Cyrus

and all the other teen acts that have ever come out for helping teens confuse LUST with LOVE! It has teens believing that they need to have a relationship and that it's the only way to be truly happy in the world. Sadly many feel that they haven't experienced a happy life unless they are in a relationship. Please leave relationships to those who are mature enough to handle it! that does not mean it's just for adults because some adults STILL can't tell the difference between lust and love.

Here is a way that you can tell if you are ready for a relationship...DON'T PUT ALL YOUR BUSINESS OUT THERE FOR PEOPLE TO BE IN!!! its only natural to want to share with others how happy you are and you can but, you should share it with very few people..Here are some examples: putting a post that you are grateful for all your partner does or that you love them (GOOD)....making a daily YouTube video describing why you feel this way (BAD!) Saying you are having a bad day on FB (GOOD)....Writing in "code" that the person in your relationship needs to grow up and you can't believe they did what they did (BAD!)

No one needs to know all of your business and if you are putting your life out there believe me it will be judged so just save yourself the heartache and keep it between you and one or two other people if you really need to talk about it.

I was walking in target the other day and I saw a "couple" they could not have been older than 10 or 11 and I had to ask my self "Why in the world would they add stress of a relationship into their lives?" I am happily married but every decision that I make in my life I have to think about how it will effect someone else and that is a lot of responsibility and sometimes stress.

You know,say what you will about Rebecca Black but that girl has her mind where all 13 year old girls should be. She is worried about LEARNING THE DAYS OF THE WEEK

and if she should sit in the front or back seat with her friends. you know TEENAGE PROBLEMS!!! not "man I loved this person with all my heart and they said they felt the same but I saw them kissing my best friend how could they do this to me? One word HORMONES and when you are a teen they are out of control so why put yourself through that? I think if teens really focus on more important things like learning the days of the week, doing your homework and enjoying the gift of singleness then we would have a lot less JACKED UP ADULTS!!! and that is my thought on the matter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Wanna be a Toys R Us Kid!!!

I turn 28 this week and though it may be young to some it still boggles my mind how long ago it was that I was born.. I mean come on not many people have good things to say about the early 80's.

While I was pondering what I have accomplished in my life I realized one thing about myself that I hope will never change. I am a KID at heart and I want to continue being that way forever. When you look at the world through a child's eyes there is so much optimism, imagination and honesty. I try not to let this child out to much ( hey I still have to make a living and interact with adults) but this weekend I decided I would let out my inner child and let it run free!!

I decided to take my husband and two friends to check out a new place it's called Airheads Trampoline Arena and it's AMAZING!!!! I really wish I would have thought of this idea. The trampolines cover 11,000 square feet. We only purchased and hour( hey there may be a child inside of me but my body still knows how old it is!)but that was more than enough time to fall in love with this place.

That was more than enough time. Once I stopped laughing about my shoes (which coincidentally looked like something from 1983)

I made my way to the trampoline arena. I stepped on the trampoline and my four year old self just took of!!! it was like I never aged.. I was STILL to chicken to do a flip but I was bouncing of the walls the whole time (literally) I played dodge ball which took me back to grade school, mainly because our teams we so uneven we had the jocks against us(who resembled the wolf pack!)and on our team there were three little boys and the three of us girls!(unlike grade school though the jocks took it easy on us and took out the little boys first!)

The time went by fast but in that hour i was able to be a kid again and really enjoy myself and not worry about bills, stress, egos I just worried about how high I wanted to jump! It's nice knowing that no matter how old you get it's the little things in life that you really appreciate.. so who is up for a game of HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS? my inner child would like to kick your inner child's butt!

If you want to know more about Airheads this is a great article that was written back when it opened in Aug 2010

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