Monday, February 7, 2011

Why do parents to this to their children?

My blog is all about humor and I love people watching and yes I admit I make fun of people but I am also always the first to poke fun at myself. I was looking through pictures and I came across this little gem.....YES THIS IS ME!!! here I am in all my glory as an 11 year old. Tell me WHY...WHY would my mother not only dress me like Micheal Jackson's illigitamint child. but she also handed me a stuffed animal and PAID for these picture. Parents, is this your way of getting back at your children when they disobey? a sort of LAST LAUGH if you would. Please if you are a parent don't do this to another child they must be saved! and if you are a child please stop doing whatever it is that is causing your parents to be so upset at you that they want to get back at you this bad. That is just my thought on the matter.


Ms Whimsicole said...


Miranda said...

i hear ya!!! i can't tell you how many of these i have, and they're sooooo aweful!!! i had a mullet, yes, a mullet, when i was like 5!? i guess that was the style back then, but come on!? with a little one on the way, i hope i never do that to him!!! you & chelle will have to let me know if he ever shows up in anything "unexceptable" :) unlike my mom, i like to think of myself as somewhat fashionable... :D so, hopefully, he'll have a better chance!! love the pic girl!! ;D

Andrea said...

hahahaha This is hilarious! I love the stuffed animal :)