Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have been natural for about six years now and...well I take that back I have been natural ON AND OFF for about six years now. I always would get frustrated and break down at the 7 month itch and perm my hair..then I would chop it all off three months later determined to be natural! sadly the cycle would repeat itself.

I just could never find the right product for my hair and I would just say screw it! perming it is easier and natural hair is such a hassle. That was until I found Jamaican Black Castor Oil! this is a wonder hair treatment!!

its great for ALL hair types. I not only use it for a moisturizer before I go to sleep but I also use it at a hot oil treatment. everyone knows that a healthy scalp is a happy head! so that means healthy growth. My hair was no longer breaking off it was amazing.


I also have to sing the praises of WEN!! this is an amazing product line. it is also for all hair types. The leave in conditioner and the deep conditioner has really given me amazing results on my hair.


I am happy to say that I no longer have a TWA!! my hair is getting longer and I am able to play around with styles and I am looking forward to it growing more and more. I have finally been able to put it in the beloved PUFF!!!

and the also amazing Fro-Hawk

So if you have been thinking about going natural and you are at the dreaded 7 month itch like I have been countless times..DON'T GIVE UP!!! I have been dedicated to my natural hair journey for an entire year now and I never thought I would be where I am at. Look at youtube videos for hair tutorials and the motivation it takes to stay natural and dont let ANYONE talk you out of doing a natural style you rock it with FIRECENESS!!! and that is my thought on the matter.

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