Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Power to Unfriend

It used to be a time when you could just phase people out. You would go to school with them or work with them and once you left your job or school you could just keep in contact with the people you really wanted to.

Then along came Facebook and EVERYONE that you have ever come into contact with wanted to be your friend.( I am surprised my mailman hasn't requested me, I have said hello to him more than once)It is almost improper not to accept someones friend request that you only spoke to at the copier when you happen to be there at the same time.

It's like Facebook is an alternate reality. You can choose to show the real you or the you that you want people to perceive you to be.

It's like everyone is being stalked by the paparazzi

People can just look at your page and know everything that is going on in your life. the best is when they talk to you like they were there with you ("man Disney sure was fun wasn't that pose you did with mickey was hilarious man)

True, with the update you can now choose who can see what on your page. But why do we have to play a virtual game of cups?

If you don't want that person seeing what's on your page then are they really a friend? and since when is it expected of you to accept a friend request from your boss? People take Facebook so seriously. It's a social networking site and lets face it, maybe I just don't want to network with you! and it's ok that I feel that way.

I will never forget when I was 11 years old and one of my good friends at the time moved away( back then in order to keep in touch with someone who moved out of state you had to communicate with a letter. I had to but stamps and envelopes because my mom would NOT let me call long distance) I was heartbroken, I thought I would never see her again. My grandmother told me "Amber, people come and go in our lives and we need to cherish the things we learn from them. And you never know when your paths might meet again." This is so true, it's ok to lose contact with people, it is not the end of the world. It opens up time for you to meet new people and gain new friendships and experiences.

It's time to be honest with ourselves and take a long hard look at our friends list. If someone is on there that we wouldn't even text hello to. Ask yourself are they really your friend? A good person once said..

Not everyone is meant to stay on the train for the duration of the trip

And that's just my thought on the matter.

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